6 Tips for Better Food Photos

Food photography is one thing that binds bakers, home cooks, restaurants, and food bloggers. Visually stunning photographs are what fetches each of them the attention and following they deserve. While clicking food photographs is no rocket science, clicking photographs that stand out is something each one needs to work on. This is also why learning the tricks of the trade is essential.

Even if you are a beginner at food photography, nailing it wouldn’t take up much of your time, especially with the food photo tips we have compiled. These tips are simple, super effective, and will help enhance the quality of the food photographs you capture. Read to find out more:

Know the Food

Knowing your subject is one of the most critical aspects of photography. In this case, you need to find out everything you can about the food you are capturing. What are the key ingredients used to whip up this delicacy? Is it one of those food items that taste heavenly but don’t win when it comes to the looks? Can it survive the long shooting hours? (or will it melt away?)

These are some things you need to be clear about before you begin the shoot. It will help you gain better insight and plan your shoot well.

Create a Complimenting Background

Taking cues from the nature and characteristics of the food will help in creating the perfect background. You can use the raw ingredients that were required to cook the food to add a dash of freshness to the photograph. You can also consider using ceramic cutlery – these come in a variety of colors and shades.

There are no creative limitations as to what you can add to the background – but do keep in mind that food is and should stay the hero of your photograph.

Think Out of the Box for the Props 

Just because you see another influencer placing food on white cutlery, you need not do the same! Why not go bold and think of something different, such as black cutlery? If you’re not fond of dramatic shades, you can also choose pastel shades cutlery.

Use rustic wooden baskets, antiques, wrapping or scrapbook paper, complimenting food items, and even hand towels or napkins to create the look you want. Remember, you don’t need to shell out a bomb on expensive props – the best ones are always around you. You just need to look carefully!

Spell Magic With Different Light Techniques

Depending on the food, you can opt for a fresh or moody look. For a fresh look, always capture your photos in natural light. Indirect natural light filtering through the windows is the best in this case. If you wish to create a moody look, use different photography props that will help block excess light coming in. To create a soft, subtle yet impressive bokeh, you can use candlelight, too. 

Experiment with shadows and different filters until you nail the look you want to create!

Use a Tripod and Remote Trigger 

A tripod gives you the stability and comfort you require to capture close-up food shots. It will help you effortlessly adjust the frame until you can replicate the idea you had in your head. Additionally, working with a remote trigger would help you operate in the hands-free mode. This gives you the freedom to add in extra effects (such as drizzling the syrup or holding a fork) without affecting the photograph's quality. If you don’t have a remote trigger, another great option is to use the built-in timer on your camera. Most cameras have this built-in with 2, 5, or 10 second count-down.

Invest in an Editing Software

Only good quality editing software can help you add those magical final touches to your food photography. Even though you are very confident about your food photography skills, you will notice the impressive (yet not too overbearing) effect editing software brings in. Spending some time in the post-processing stage is not something you will regret – so try to invest and learn how to make most of the features an editing software offers. A few of my favorites are Adobe’s Lightroom Classic, and Adobe Photoshop.  

Summing Up

The best part of food photography is the fact that there are no rules when it comes to thinking and implementing creative ideas. So while you consider these tips, don’t forget to let your own creativity run free. Only then can you create mesmerizing, eye-catching food photography!

If you’re looking to step up your food photos and need a professional food photographer, contact me, and we can discuss your needs and how misahungry media can help you.


10 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Food Photographer